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 The Industrial Decarbonisation Summit examines Australia's emissions reduction targets, the pathway forward for industry, and how businesses can chart a course to a prosperous net zero future. 

The Industrial Decarbonisation Summit will be the place for energy users to come together with energy management service and technology providers and discuss this future. 

 Luke Menzel CEO, EEC 
 Andrew Richards CEO, EUAA 

Planning for prosperity in the 2030s and beyond

Industrial businesses plan over decades, not election cycles. The EEC and EUAA are working closely together to develop a program that allows energy intensive businesses to get out of the day-to-day and focus on the strategic challenges and opportunities associated with the transition to net zero, and the immediate actions they can take that will set them up for success.

Practical decarbonisation pathways for industrial businesses

The Summit will include dedicated stream sessions on:

  • The new technologies ready to deploy now, and the ones just around the corner;
  • Climate related financial disclosure and best practice transition planning; and
  • Scenario planning and risk assessment frameworks to support capital investments in the context of a rapidly transforming energy system.

It’s a big agenda and pulling it off will require deep collaboration. That’s why the EEC is bringing together the best and the brightest from industry, government, not-for-profits and academia to reflect on progress to date, galvanise future action, and drive it forward. 

Lead the conversation 

We are looking to work with a small number of highly engaged partners to create a timely, relevant summit for engaged Australian businesses. This prospectus outlines a tailored selection of sponsorship options to meet your objectives and budget. Review the options and feel free to call us to discuss a package that meets your needs.

We know more work is needed to support industry to make the transition, and this event will be a valuable step toward making it happen. We look forward to partnering with you on the 2025 Industrial Decarbonisation Summit.

Luke Menzel and Andrew Richards